
Kia ora.

It’s easy to assume that a person can flick a switch and have something to write about for people, family and friends, to read, in minutes. Some people have the most fluid thoughts. Thoughts that spill out onto their keyboard and then onto the page with such ease that just looking at their work is like being in a meadow on a warm day, calloused, land working hands gently brushing over tall wheat – oh wait, that’s a scene from Gladiator. Or standing, arms out stretched at the top of a hill, letting the wind pour over you while you sing your lungs out. No, Sound of Music … yeah, you may want to rethink why you’re on THIS page.

I like to write but have no experience in it. My kids would probably call it an ‘Onanon’, pronounced, “On and on”. They might even call it humbug, and they’re right in a sense, I do tend to go on and on, especially about things, moments, events, and people in my life that I’m passionate about.

Either way, brain farts and all, I’m looking forward to the journey.


2 thoughts on “About”

    1. Aloha @thepolynezianrezister, and mahalo! I have to apologise in advance, I type what I think, and I think for too long sometimes 😊, hence the inconsistency at the moment. Am looking forward to reading your blogs also, kia ora rā!

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